How to create “My Own MYAKU-N!”

My Own MYAKU-N! brings you the experience of creating your own NFT by attaching tokens to your photos and other image data.

Creating a My Own MYAKU-N! is a special experience that can only be done once per user.

When creating My Own MYAKU-N!, you only need to prepare the image data to be NFT.

Please upload the image with a title. After the required screening, the token will be issued and given to you. You will be able to see My Own MYAKU-N! that has been received from the Mypage.

The image data to be included in My Own MYAKU-N! should be 5MB or less, and the recommended pixel size is 600px x 600px or more.

Due to the nature of NFT, uploaded images will be viewed on the Internet by an unspecified number of people.
Therefore, please do not include any personally identifiable information in your uploaded images or their titles. In addition, never upload images that may infringe on the rights of others.

Once an image is uploaded, it cannot be deleted in principle. Please carefully read the notes displayed, as well as the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy before creating your My Own MYAKU-N!

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