How many Status MYAKU-N! do I get?

The number of MYAKU-N! you can get with Status MYAKU-N! is determined by "Category". For the specific number, please refer to the "Description" on the "Status MYAKU-N! Details" page.

e.g.) You can get 2 pieces from the category 【01】BRONZE.

In the example above, you can choose and get two images from the category "【01】BRONZE".

Use "Search from category" on "Status MYAKU-N! List" page, images belonging to the same category will be displayed. You can get MYAKU-N! for the specified number of images from this list. In the example above, you can select "【01】BRONZE" in the filtering function and choose two images from the displayed images.

As your status increases, the number of categories you can receive also increases, so the number of MYAKU-N! you can get also increases. We also have rare images available for higher status, so please try to increase your status!
Also, categories will be added from time to time, even for the same status, so stay tuned!

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